Selected Publications


Dubinsky JM, Roehrig GH, Varma, S. A Place for Neuroscience in Teacher Knowledge and Education. Wiley Online Library August 5, 2022 DOI:10.1111/mbe.12334 PDF

Ellingson C, Edwards K, Roehrig GH, Hoelscher MC, Haroldson RA, Dubinsky JM. Connecting the Dots from Professional Development to Student Learning. CBE Life Sci Educ December 1, 2021 20:ar57 DOI:10.1187/cbe.21-02-0035 PDF

Chang Z, Schwartz MS, Hinesley V, Dubinsky JM. Neuroscience Concepts Changed Teachers’ Views of Pedagogy and Students. Frontiers in Psychology August 2021 12:685856. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.685856 PDF

Schmied A, Varma S, Dubinsky JM. Acceptability of Neuroscientific Interventions in Education. Science and Engineering Ethics August 2021. doi: 10.1007/s11948-021-00328-3 PDF

Brick K, Cooper JL, Mason L, Faeflen S, Monmia J, Dubinsky JM. Training-of-Trainers Neuroscience and Mental Health Teacher Education in Liberia Improves Self-Reported Support for Students. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience June 2021 15:653069. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.653069 PDF

Brick K, Cooper JL, Mason L, Faeflen S, Monmia J, Dubinsky JM. Tiered Neuroscience and Mental Health Professional Development in Liberia Improves Teacher Self-Efficacy, Self-Responsibility, and Motivation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience May 2021 15:664730. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.664730 PDF

Ellingson C, Dubinsky JM. Altered Reality: An Inquiry-Based Neuroscience Lesson for Helping Students Understand Neuroplasticity and its Role in Learning. The Science Teacher July/August 2020. Online

Dubinsky JM, Guzey SS, Schwartz MS, Roehrig G, MacNabb C, Schmied A, Hinesley V, Hoelscher M, Michlin M, Schmitt L, Ellingson C, Chang Z, Cooper JL. Contributions of Neuroscience Knowledge to Teachers and Their Practice. The Neuroscientist 2019 Mar 21:1073858419835447. Online

Ellingson C, Roehrig G, Dubinsky JM, Bakkum K. Critical Response Protocol. The Science Teacher April 2016. Online Introductory video

Fitzakerley JL, Michlin ML, Paton J, Dubinsky JM. Neuroscientists’ Classroom Visits Positively Impact Student Attitudes. PLoS ONE 8(12): e84035. 2013. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084035 Online

Dubinsky JM, Roehrig G, Varma S. Infusing Neuroscience Into Teacher Professional Development. Educational Researcher 42(6):317-329. 2013. Online
SCIENCE Editor's Choice selection, November 8, 2013

Roehrig GH, Michlin M, Schmitt L, MacNabb C, Dubinsky JM. Teaching Neuroscience to Science Teachers: Facilitating the Translation of Inquiry-Based Teaching Instruction to the Classroom. CBE-Life Science Education 11:413-424. Winter 2012. PDF Online

Dubinsky JM. Neuroscience Education for PreK-12 Teachers. Journal of Neuroscience 30:8057-60. 2010. Online

Brier G, Dahlberg L. Science Sampler: Modeling the effects of drugs on the brain. The Science Teacher November 2007. Online

Hall M, Brier G. From Frustrating Forgetfulness to Fabulous Forethought. The Science Teacher January 2007. Online

MacNabb C, Schmitt L, Michlin M, Harris I, Thomas L, Chittendon D, Ebner TJ, Dubinsky JM. Neuroscience in Middle Schools: A Professional Development and Resource Program that Models Inquiry-Based Strategies and Engages Teachers in Classroom Implementation. CBE-Life Sciences Education. 5(2):144-57. June 2006. Online


Dubinsky JM, Roehrig G, Geving N, Jeddeloh K, Lenhardt R, Michlin M, Smasal R. B.R.A.I.N. to High Schools: Working Within School Districts. Annual NCRR Science Education Partnership Award Conference, Birmingham, AL April 2010.

Dubinsky JM, Roehrig G, Geving N, Jeddeloh K, Lenhardt R, Michlin M, Smasal R. B.R.A.I.N. to High Schools: Working Within School Districts. Neuroscience Meeting Planner: Program No. 23.14/OOO3. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2010. Online

Fitzakerley JL, Dubinsky JM. Evaluation of a web-based version of a state brain bee. Neuroscience Meeting Planner: Program No. 25.20/HH24. Chicago, IL: Society for Neuroscience, 2009. Online

Wakefield B, Baker D, Waskow C, Dubinsky JM. Benefits to teachers of multiple year participation in BrainU. Annual NCRR Science Education Partnership Award Conference, St. Paul, MN May 2009.

Dubinsky JM. BrainU: Teacher Professional Development in Understanding the Brain Classroom Neuroscience Curricula Inquiry Pedagogy. Annual NCRR Science Education Partnership Award Conference, Washington DC, May 2008.

Wakefield B, Baker D, Waskow C, Dubinsky JM. Benefits to teachers of multiple year participation in BrainU. Neuroscience Meeting Planner: Program No. 222.20/UU8. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2008. Online

Dubinsky JM. Evaluation of BRAIN to Middle Schools. Annual NCRR Science Education Partnership Award Conference, Salt Lake City, UT 2007.

MacNabb CJ, Dubinsky JM. Bringing Resources and Inquiry in Neuroscience to Middle Schools. Annual NCRR Science Education Partnership Award Conference, Tucson, AZ 2006.

MacNabb CJ, Dubinsky JM. BRAIN to Middle Schools. Annual NCRR Science Education Partnership Award Conference, St. Louis, MO 2005.

MacNabb CJ, Dubinsky JM. BRAIN to Middle Schools. Annual NCRR Science Education Partnership Award Conference, 2004.

MacNabb CJ, Elverum AE, Wakefield B, Dubinsky JM. Benefits of Multiple Year Interactions between Teachers and Scientists. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 2004.

MacNabb CJ, Dubinsky JM, Schmidt L, Ebner TJ. BrainU, Middle School Teachers Institute — A Crash Course on the Brain and How to Bring Inquiry into the Classroom. Annual NCRR Science Education Partnership Award Conference, San Diego, CA February 2003.

Prominent Mentions

Guerriero S. (ed.) (2017), Pedagogical Knowledge and the Changing Nature of the Teaching Profession, OECD Publishing, Paris Online

OECD reports influence educational policy decisions worldwide. In this report, chapter 9 lays out the reasons neuroscience should be known by teachers and contains 2 pages devoted to BrainU. See pages 214-215.

BrainU and The Netherlands (March 30, 2015)

In this Tedx video titled "Teachers, know your brain!", Dr. Sandra van Aalderen-Smeets uses Dr Dubinsky's work to support her call for teachers to use more active learning strategies.

Highlight Health Network article about BrainU (Aug 29, 2012)

The Highlight Health Network article about BrainU that describes the program and gives readers access to The Synapse cartoon in our Cool Stuff section.

Nobel Conference offered BrainU-related lessons (Aug 26, 2011)

"The Brain and Being Human" was the subject of the 47th Nobel Conference at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN. Lesson plans developed for the conference are available online.