
Disección de un Cerebro de Oveja

Al disectar un cerebro de oveja los estudiantes logran apreciar la complejidad de un cerebro. Los estudiantes realizan observaciones, aprendiendo acerca de la estructura y función de las áreas del cerebro, de la sustancia blanca y gris.

Lección para estudiantes de 10 a 18 años de edad
Grado o Nivel: 5-12
Duración: 1-2 clases

Open Inquiry using C. elegans

C. elegans is a free-living nematode. It is small—growing to about 1 mm in length—and lives in the soil (especially in rotting vegetation) where it survives by feeding on microbes such as bacteria.

In this lesson, students pose questions, design, conduct, and analyze a controlled experiment testing different behavioral stimuli of the worm C. elegans.

Fishy Behavior

Students design, conduct, and analyze a controlled experiment testing the effects of alcohol (or nicotine) on zebrafish learning, a model neural system. This is a lateral view. For the dorsal view, visit Go Fish!

Go Fish!

Students design, conduct, and analyze a controlled experiment testing the conditions for zebrafish, model neural system, to learn to recognize (or ignore) a stimulus. This is a dorsal view. For the lateral view, visit Fishy Behavior.


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